Tree Farmer Shop
The items in this store are all purchasable with real money. Contents of this article may be changed with notice.
The Shop is not complete. There is currently no method of buying any product listed on this page.
Golden Tree Pass
All of the following perks apply until the end of the last subscribed month unless specified. Subscription badges are permanent.
$5.99 / month
Tree planting cooldown reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds
Golden Tree Pass displayed on profile
Every month, the Golden Tree Pass evolves its shape
Able to share saplings to other users (costs money per sapling)
Premium Sunlight
Premium Engines
Up to 12 Cutters instead of 8
Permanent Boosters
All permanent and one time boosters can be stacked and purchased in bulk for a discount. You can view more details in the upcoming shop at
Premium Sunlight
Doubles log count and log value of every tree
Premium Engines
Doubles the log capacity of all vehicles
coming soon...
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One Time Boosters
coming soon...
coming soon...
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coming soon...
Last updated
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