A long list of the trees that your farm can level up through. Contents of this article may be changed with notice.
Commands and Mechanics
Users have a sapling box that is used to plant any tree. Sapling can be bought with /buy sapling
depending on your tree. With any amount of saplings Each user can have up to 20 saplings unless given a boost from the shop. The trees are listed in the order that you can buy them as a farm. Your first farm is the African Juniper and then you can upgrade other parts of your farm and gain wealth. Once you purchase the next tree farm, you lose all of your Knowledge, Trees, Vehicles, Cutters but keep your money, you're given three saplings and one golden tree.
African Juniper
Fun Fact: It is the only juniper to occur south of the equator.
Planting Region: Africa
Farm Cost: FREE
Cut Cooldown: 1m
Log Count: 119
Log Value: $6
Sapling Cost: $69
American Arborvitae
Fun Fact: The specific name, 'Occidentalis', means 'west,' the direction from Sweden where this tree was discovered.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $11.5K
Cut Cooldown: 1m 1s
Log Count: 124
Log Value: $8
Sapling Cost: $79
American Beech
Fun Fact: Beechnut was used as food for the cattle. Many forest mammals and birds consume beechnuts as a regular part of their diet.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $13.224K
Cut Cooldown: 1m 3s
Log Count: 131
Log Value: $9
Sapling Cost: $91
American Chestnut
Fun Fact: Chestnuts can be consumed raw, baked, boiled or roasted. It also can be dried and milled into flour.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $15.208K
Cut Cooldown: 1m 5s
Log Count: 137
Log Value: $10
Sapling Cost: $104
American Elm
Fun Fact: There are isolated American Elm trees that survived Dutch Elm Disease with trunks over 4.5 m in circumference!
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $17.49K
Cut Cooldown: 1m 7s
Log Count: 144
Log Value: $12
Sapling Cost: $120
American Hornbeam
Fun Fact: Name 'hornbeam' originates from old English words 'horn', which was used to describe strong wood and 'beam', that was used as a synonym for tree.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $20.113K
Cut Cooldown: 1m 9s
Log Count: 151
Log Value: $14
Sapling Cost: $138
American Larch
Fun Fact: Some species of Larch can survive up to thousand years, most live around 250 years in the wild.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $23.13K
Cut Cooldown: 1m 11s
Log Count: 159
Log Value: $16
Sapling Cost: $159
American Mountainash
Fun Fact: American Mountain Ash Trees make their own food from sunlight, carbon dioxide, water, and nutrients from the soil.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $26.6K
Cut Cooldown: 1m 13s
Log Count: 167
Log Value: $18
Sapling Cost: $183
Apple Tree
Fun Fact: The average apple tree produces 88 to 440 pounds of apples each year.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $30.59K
Cut Cooldown: 1m 16s
Log Count: 175
Log Value: $21
Sapling Cost: $211
Aspen Tree
Fun Fact: The heat-resistant wood of aspen trees have application in the manufacture of interior parts of sauna and roofing.
Planting Region: North America, Latin America, Africa
Farm Cost: $35.178K
Cut Cooldown: 1m 18s
Log Count: 184
Log Value: $24
Sapling Cost: $242
Avocado Tree
Fun Fact: An avocado fruit is a type of berry.
Planting Region: North America, Latin America, Africa
Farm Cost: $40.455K
Cut Cooldown: 1m 20s
Log Count: 193
Log Value: $28
Sapling Cost: $279
Bald Cypress
Fun Fact: The tree gets the name “bald” cypress because they drop their leaves so early in the season.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $46.523K
Cut Cooldown: 1m 23s
Log Count: 203
Log Value: $32
Sapling Cost: $321
Balsam Fir
Fun Fact: In aromatherapy uses, Fir as an essential oil, is beneficial for coughs, colds, flu, arthritis, and rheumatism.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $53.502K
Cut Cooldown: 1m 25s
Log Count: 213
Log Value: $37
Sapling Cost: $369
Banana Tree
Fun Fact: Banana fruits are mildly radioactive.
Planting Region: North America, Latin America, Africa
Farm Cost: $61.527K
Cut Cooldown: 1m 28s
Log Count: 224
Log Value: $43
Sapling Cost: $424
Fun Fact: Trees must be about 15 years old before they bear fruit.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $70.757K
Cut Cooldown: 1m 30s
Log Count: 235
Log Value: $49
Sapling Cost: $488
Bigtooth Aspen
Fun Fact: Native Americans used leaves of aspen in treatment of burned skin, swollen joints and headache.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $81.37K
Cut Cooldown: 1m 33s
Log Count: 247
Log Value: $56
Sapling Cost: $561
Birch Tree
Fun Fact: Birch bark was used by Native Americans to build canoes, wigwams, and bowls.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $93.576K
Cut Cooldown: 1m 36s
Log Count: 259
Log Value: $65
Sapling Cost: $645
Bitternut Hickory
Fun Fact: Hickory nuts are excellent source of dietary fibers, mono-unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $107.612K
Cut Cooldown: 1m 39s
Log Count: 272
Log Value: $75
Sapling Cost: $742
Black Ash
Fun Fact: During the 19th century, ash trees were used in the production of carriages.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $123.754K
Cut Cooldown: 1m 42s
Log Count: 286
Log Value: $86
Sapling Cost: $853
Black Birch
Fun Fact: Birch sap is used to manufacture wine and beer in Northern Europe, Russia and China.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $142.317K
Cut Cooldown: 1m 45s
Log Count: 300
Log Value: $99
Sapling Cost: $981
Black Cherry
Fun Fact: The berries are used in the manufacture of liqueurs and as flavoring agents of sodas, ice-creams, and whiskeys.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $163.665K
Cut Cooldown: 1m 48s
Log Count: 315
Log Value: $114
Sapling Cost: $1.129K
Black Locust
Fun Fact: This Locust Tree has nitrogen-fixing bacteria in its roots enabling the tree to grow vigorously in poor soil.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $188.215K
Cut Cooldown: 1m 51s
Log Count: 331
Log Value: $131
Sapling Cost: $1.298K
Black Walnut
Fun Fact: Black walnut trees secrete 'juglone', which kills many herbaceous plants around the root system of the tree.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $216.447K
Cut Cooldown: 1m 54s
Log Count: 348
Log Value: $151
Sapling Cost: $1.493K
Black Willow
Fun Fact: Because the tree blooms so early, they provide important nectar for bees emerging from their hives after winter.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $248.914K
Cut Cooldown: 1m 58s
Log Count: 365
Log Value: $173
Sapling Cost: $1.717K
Bonsai Tree
Fun Fact: Its name stems from the Japanese word, '盆栽', meaning 'tray planting'. It is an Asian art form of cultivation techniques to replicate large scale trees, on a smaller scale in a container.
Planting Region: North America, Asia, Latin America, Africa
Farm Cost: $286.251K
Cut Cooldown: 2m 1s
Log Count: 383
Log Value: $200
Sapling Cost: $1.975K
Butternut Tree
Fun Fact: The Butternut tree (or white walnut) is the only walnut tree that is native to Canada.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $329.189K
Cut Cooldown: 2m 5s
Log Count: 402
Log Value: $230
Sapling Cost: $2.271K
Cacao Tree
Fun Fact: The tree’s seeds are used to make chocolate.
Planting Region: Africa
Farm Cost: $378.567K
Cut Cooldown: 2m 9s
Log Count: 423
Log Value: $264
Sapling Cost: $2.612K
California Redwood
Fun Fact: A log of sycamore wood is priced at around 200 US dollars.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $435.353K
Cut Cooldown: 2m 13s
Log Count: 444
Log Value: $304
Sapling Cost: $3.003K
California Sycamore
Fun Fact: Sycamore tree seeds are known as 'helicopters' because of their wings that rotate similar to helicopter's propeller on a wind.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $500.656K
Cut Cooldown: 2m 17s
Log Count: 466
Log Value: $349
Sapling Cost: $3.454K
Canadian Hemlock
Fun Fact: Very long lived, with the oldest recorded specimen, found in Tionesta, Pennsylvania, being at least 554 years old.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $575.754K
Cut Cooldown: 2m 21s
Log Count: 489
Log Value: $402
Sapling Cost: $3.972K
Cape Chestnut
Fun Fact: Cape chestnut oil, obtained from the seeds, is a popular oil in African skin care.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $662.117K
Cut Cooldown: 2m 25s
Log Count: 514
Log Value: $462
Sapling Cost: $4.568K
Fun Fact: This tree sheds its bark to prevent the growth of lichen or fungi.
Planting Region: Latin America
Farm Cost: $761.435K
Cut Cooldown: 2m 30s
Log Count: 540
Log Value: $532
Sapling Cost: $5.253K
Carolina Silverbell
Fun Fact: The flowers turn into little green fruits.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $875.65K
Cut Cooldown: 2m 34s
Log Count: 567
Log Value: $612
Sapling Cost: $6.041K
Cherry Blossom Tree
Fun Fact: Typically, they only last about 16-20 years. Certain species can live much longer. Black Cherry Trees can live up to 250 years.
Planting Region: North America, Asia
Farm Cost: $1.007M
Cut Cooldown: 2m 39s
Log Count: 595
Log Value: $703
Sapling Cost: $6.948K
Chestnut Oak
Fun Fact: In Shakespeare's Macbeth, one of the Wayward Sisters threatens to kill a woman's husband over a chestnut.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $1.158M
Cut Cooldown: 2m 43s
Log Count: 625
Log Value: $809
Sapling Cost: $7.99K
Colorado Blue Spruce
Fun Fact: In traditional medicine, an infusion of the needles is used to treat colds and settle the stomach.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $1.332M
Cut Cooldown: 2m 48s
Log Count: 656
Log Value: $930
Sapling Cost: $9.189K
Fun Fact: The seeds contain as much as 25% more protein than common cereals.
Planting Region: Asia
Farm Cost: $1.532M
Cut Cooldown: 2m 53s
Log Count: 689
Log Value: $1.07K
Sapling Cost: $10.567K
Cottonwood Tree
Fun Fact: Fragrant oils obtained from the eastern cottonwood are used in the cosmetic industry for the manufacture of lip balms and massage oils.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $1.761M
Cut Cooldown: 2m 59s
Log Count: 723
Log Value: $1.231K
Sapling Cost: $12.152K
Croton Megabcarpas
Fun Fact: Croton nut oil, has been promoted for its perceived benefits in combating climate change, greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.
Planting Region: Africa
Farm Cost: $2.025M
Cut Cooldown: 3m 4s
Log Count: 759
Log Value: $1.415K
Sapling Cost: $13.975K
Deodar Cedar
Fun Fact: As insects avoid this tree, the essential oil is used as insect repellent on the feet of horses, cattle and camels.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $2.329M
Cut Cooldown: 3m 10s
Log Count: 797
Log Value: $1.628K
Sapling Cost: $16.071K
Douglas Fir
Fun Fact: The thick bark of mature Douglas Fir trees, helps this tree survive forest fires with the only damage being blackened bark.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $2.679M
Cut Cooldown: 3m 15s
Log Count: 837
Log Value: $1.872K
Sapling Cost: $18.482K
Eastern Cottonwood
Fun Fact: It is not easy to destroy, for, once cut down, the stump continues to sprout vigorously.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $3.08M
Cut Cooldown: 3m 21s
Log Count: 879
Log Value: $2.153K
Sapling Cost: $21.254K
Eastern Hemlock
Fun Fact: During the 19th century, this tree was prized for its tannin-rich bark, which was harvested for use in the leather tanning industry.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $3.542M
Cut Cooldown: 3m 27s
Log Count: 923
Log Value: $2.476K
Sapling Cost: $24.443K
Eastern Red Cedar
Fun Fact: Migratory seed-eating birds are thought to be responsible for the scattered pockets of eastern redcedar near many lakes.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $4.074M
Cut Cooldown: 3m 33s
Log Count: 969
Log Value: $2.847K
Sapling Cost: $28.109K
Eastern White Pine
Fun Fact: No other wood in the United States has such a wide range of uses.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $4.685M
Cut Cooldown: 3m 40s
Log Count: 1.018K
Log Value: $3.274K
Sapling Cost: $32.326K
Fun Fact: Uncooked elderberries are poisonous to humans.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $5.388M
Cut Cooldown: 3m 46s
Log Count: 1.069K
Log Value: $3.765K
Sapling Cost: $37.175K
Engelmann Spruce
Fun Fact: Specialty items such as violins, pianos, and aircraft parts are produced from Engelmann spruce.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $6.196M
Cut Cooldown: 3m 53s
Log Count: 1.122K
Log Value: $4.33K
Sapling Cost: $42.751K
Eucalyptus Platypus
Fun Fact: It’s floriferous nature makes it useful for beekeepers and honey production
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $7.125M
Cut Cooldown: 4m
Log Count: 1.178K
Log Value: $4.98K
Sapling Cost: $49.164K
Fig Tree
Fun Fact: Nearly every species of fig tree is pollinated by its own distinct species of fig wasp.
Planting Region: North America,
Farm Cost: $8.194M
Cut Cooldown: 4m 7s
Log Count: 1.237K
Log Value: $5.727K
Sapling Cost: $56.538K
Flowering Dogwood
Fun Fact: The dogwood is the state tree of two US States - Virginia and Missouri.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $9.423M
Cut Cooldown: 4m 15s
Log Count: 1.299K
Log Value: $6.586K
Sapling Cost: $65.019K
Giant Sequoia
Fun Fact: The oldest known giant sequoia is 3 500 years old.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $10.837M
Cut Cooldown: 4m 23s
Log Count: 1.364K
Log Value: $7.574K
Sapling Cost: $74.772K
Giant Yellow Mulberry
Fun Fact: Orange, red, purple, black, and blue pigments isolated from the fruit of mulberry trees are used as coloring agents in the industry of food and fabrics.
Planting Region: Africa
Farm Cost: $12.462M
Cut Cooldown: 4m 30s
Log Count: 1.432K
Log Value: $8.71K
Sapling Cost: $85.988K
Golden Jubilee Peach
Fun Fact: This peach tree has chill hour requirements of 800-850 hours (below 45°F (7°C)) in the winter for their buds to open in the spring.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $14.331M
Cut Cooldown: 4m 39s
Log Count: 1.504K
Log Value: $10.017K
Sapling Cost: $98.886K
Gray Birch
Fun Fact: Native Americans used barkextracts of Gray Birch on swollen or infected cuts.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $16.481M
Cut Cooldown: 4m 47s
Log Count: 1.579K
Log Value: $11.52K
Sapling Cost: $113.719K
Gray Dogwood
Fun Fact: All dogwoods produce fruit, varying from flavourless to sweet.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $18.953M
Cut Cooldown: 4m 56s
Log Count: 1.658K
Log Value: $13.248K
Sapling Cost: $130.777K
Incense Cedar
Fun Fact: California’s Native Americans used this wood to make bows.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $21.796M
Cut Cooldown: 5m 4s
Log Count: 1.741K
Log Value: $15.235K
Sapling Cost: $150.393K
Japanese Maple Tree
Fun Fact: Japanese maples typically grow one foot per year for the first 50 years.
Planting Region: North America, Asia
Farm Cost: $25.066M
Cut Cooldown: 5m 14s
Log Count: 1.828K
Log Value: $17.52K
Sapling Cost: $172.953K
Jeffrey Pine
Fun Fact: It is named after botanist John Jeffrey.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $28.826M
Cut Cooldown: 5m 23s
Log Count: 1.92K
Log Value: $20.149K
Sapling Cost: $198.895K
Fun Fact: In herbal medicine, aqueous extracts of bay laurel have been used as an astringent and salve for open wounds
Planting Region: North America, Europe
Farm Cost: $33.149M
Cut Cooldown: 5m 33s
Log Count: 2.016K
Log Value: $23.171K
Sapling Cost: $228.73K
Lemon Tree
Fun Fact: Lemons contain flavonoids, which are composites that contain antioxidant and cancer fighting properties.
Planting Region: North America, Asia, Africa
Farm Cost: $38.122M
Cut Cooldown: 5m 43s
Log Count: 2.116K
Log Value: $26.647K
Sapling Cost: $263.039K
Lodgepole Pine
Fun Fact: Lodgepole pine is named for its common use as structural poles for the Native American tipi shelter.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $43.84M
Cut Cooldown: 5m 53s
Log Count: 2.222K
Log Value: $30.644K
Sapling Cost: $302.495K
Longleaf Pine
Fun Fact: In the past, before extensive logging, they reportedly grew to 154 ft with a diameter of 47 in.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $50.416M
Cut Cooldown: 6m 4s
Log Count: 2.333K
Log Value: $35.24K
Sapling Cost: $347.87K
Magnolia Tree
Fun Fact: Magnolias do not produce pollen enriched with proteins, which bees use as food.
Planting Region: North America, Asia
Farm Cost: $57.978M
Cut Cooldown: 6m 15s
Log Count: 2.45K
Log Value: $40.526K
Sapling Cost: $400.05K
Mango Tree
Fun Fact: Some Mango trees bear fruits even at the age of 300 years and more!
Planting Region: North America, Africa, Latin America
Farm Cost: $66.675M
Cut Cooldown: 6m 26s
Log Count: 2.573K
Log Value: $46.605K
Sapling Cost: $460.058K
Fun Fact: The roots are used in traditional medicine to treat backache.
Planting Region: Africa
Farm Cost: $76.676M
Cut Cooldown: 6m 37s
Log Count: 2.701K
Log Value: $53.596K
Sapling Cost: $529.067K
Fun Fact: The first indication of flowering is the appearance of yellow fluffy flowers on the forest floor.
Planting Region: Asia
Farm Cost: $88.178M
Cut Cooldown: 6m 49s
Log Count: 2.836K
Log Value: $61.636K
Sapling Cost: $608.427K
Noble Fir
Fun Fact: The seeds are food for the chickadees, jays, nuthatches and many other bird species.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $101.405M
Cut Cooldown: 7m 2s
Log Count: 2.978K
Log Value: $70.881K
Sapling Cost: $699.691K
Northern Red Oak
Fun Fact: Native Americans used the acorns to make flour.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $116.615M
Cut Cooldown: 7m 14s
Log Count: 3.127K
Log Value: $81.514K
Sapling Cost: $804.645K
Oak Tree
Fun Fact: Oaks produce more than 2000 acorns every year, but only one in 10 000 acorns will manage to develop into oak tree.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $134.108M
Cut Cooldown: 7m 27s
Log Count: 3.284K
Log Value: $93.741K
Sapling Cost: $925.341K
Olive Tree
Fun Fact: Unlike wine, olive oil doesn’t improve with age. A good quality olive oil should keep up to two years.
Planting Region: North America, Asia, Africa
Farm Cost: $154.224M
Cut Cooldown: 7m 41s
Log Count: 3.448K
Log Value: $107.802K
Sapling Cost: $1.064M
Palm Tree
Fun Fact: Considered a symbol for victory, peace, and fertility.
Planting Region: North America, Latin America, Africa
Farm Cost: $177.357M
Cut Cooldown: 7m 55s
Log Count: 3.62K
Log Value: $123.972K
Sapling Cost: $1.224M
Paper Birch
Fun Fact: The paper birch gets its name from another common use of its bark: as a medium on which to write.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $203.961M
Cut Cooldown: 8m 9s
Log Count: 3.801K
Log Value: $142.568K
Sapling Cost: $1.407M
Patula Pine
Fun Fact: Oil of turpentine, obtained from the oleo-resin of all pine trees, is beneficial to the respiratory system.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $234.555M
Cut Cooldown: 8m 24s
Log Count: 3.991K
Log Value: $163.953K
Sapling Cost: $1.618M
Pignut Hickory
Fun Fact: Hickory can survive few hundred years in the wild. Pecan tree bears fruit even at the age of 300 years.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $269.738M
Cut Cooldown: 8m 39s
Log Count: 4.191K
Log Value: $188.546K
Sapling Cost: $1.861M
Pinabete Tree
Fun Fact: The typical habitat for this tree is on volcanic soils between 1800 and 3700 meters elevation.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $310.199M
Cut Cooldown: 8m 54s
Log Count: 4.401K
Log Value: $216.828K
Sapling Cost: $2.14M
Pin Cherry
Fun Fact: Because the berries are a favorite of many birds, it is often difficult to find ripe fruit on the trees.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $356.729M
Cut Cooldown: 9m 10s
Log Count: 4.621K
Log Value: $249.353K
Sapling Cost: $2.461M
Pine Tree
Fun Fact: The oldest known specimen of Pine Tree lived until the age of 4800 years.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $410.238M
Cut Cooldown: 9m 27s
Log Count: 4.852K
Log Value: $286.756K
Sapling Cost: $2.831M
Pitch Pine
Fun Fact: Pines produce resin that flows from the injured bark. This resin is highly flammable and it facilitates spreading of the forest fire.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $471.774M
Cut Cooldown: 9m 44s
Log Count: 5.094K
Log Value: $329.769K
Sapling Cost: $3.255M
Plum Tree
Fun Fact: Plums are among the first fruits cultivated by humans.
Planting Region: North America, Latin America, Asia
Farm Cost: $542.54M
Cut Cooldown: 10m 1s
Log Count: 5.349K
Log Value: $379.235K
Sapling Cost: $3.744M
Ponderosa Pine
Fun Fact: The bark has a distinctive scent of vanilla or butterscotch.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $623.921M
Cut Cooldown: 10m 19s
Log Count: 5.616K
Log Value: $436.12K
Sapling Cost: $4.305M
Quaking Aspen
Fun Fact: The quaking aspen reproduces through suckering, growing new clones from its roots. The roots tend to make their way into sewers, sidewalks and other areas where they can cause trouble.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $717.509M
Cut Cooldown: 10m 38s
Log Count: 5.897K
Log Value: $501.538K
Sapling Cost: $4.951M
Red Maple Tree
Fun Fact: Maple trees must reach at least 40 years of age before you can tap them for sap.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $825.135M
Cut Cooldown: 10m 57s
Log Count: 6.192K
Log Value: $576.769K
Sapling Cost: $5.693M
Red Pine
Fun Fact: The Civilian Conservation Corps planted millions of red pines during the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $948.905M
Cut Cooldown: 11m 17s
Log Count: 6.502K
Log Value: $663.284K
Sapling Cost: $6.547M
Red Spruce
Fun Fact: This spruce tree was used medicinally by several North American Indian tribes as a remedy for sicknesses.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $1.091B
Cut Cooldown: 11m 37s
Log Count: 6.827K
Log Value: $762.777K
Sapling Cost: $7.53M
River Birch
Fun Fact: Native Americans used the boiled sap as a sweetener similar to maple syrup, and the inner bark as a survival food.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $1.255B
Cut Cooldown: 11m 58s
Log Count: 7.168K
Log Value: $877.194K
Sapling Cost: $8.659M
Rowan Tree
Fun Fact: Fruit can be used as a substitute for coffee and as a flavoring agent for liqueurs and cordials.
Planting Region: North America, Asia
Farm Cost: $1.443B
Cut Cooldown: 12m 20s
Log Count: 7.527K
Log Value: $1.009M
Sapling Cost: $9.958M
Fun Fact: The rich flavor from sassafras roots have also been put in soups and stews for an unusual extra flavor.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $1.66B
Cut Cooldown: 12m 42s
Log Count: 7.903K
Log Value: $1.16M
Sapling Cost: $11.452M
Scarlet Oak
Fun Fact: Oak is used in the manufacture of barrels for storing of vine, whiskey, brandy and other liquors.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $1.909B
Cut Cooldown: 13m 5s
Log Count: 8.298K
Log Value: $1.334M
Sapling Cost: $13.169M
Shadbush Tree
Fun Fact: “Shadbush” comes from the bloom time of this shrub being the same time that native shad fish swim up the Hudson River to spawn.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $2.195B
Cut Cooldown: 13m 28s
Log Count: 8.713K
Log Value: $1.534M
Sapling Cost: $15.145M
Shagbark Hickory
Fun Fact: Hickory wood is sometimes used to barbecue, as it is loved for the smoked flavor it imparts to meat.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $2.524B
Cut Cooldown: 13m 53s
Log Count: 9.149K
Log Value: $1.764M
Sapling Cost: $17.416M
Silky Oak
Fun Fact: Young trees can be kept as houseplants.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $2.903B
Cut Cooldown: 14m 18s
Log Count: 9.606K
Log Value: $2.029M
Sapling Cost: $20.029M
Silver Maple
Fun Fact: Maple is considered a tonewood, carrying sound waves well, and is thus used in numerous musical instruments.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $3.338B
Cut Cooldown: 14m 43s
Log Count: 10.087K
Log Value: $2.333M
Sapling Cost: $23.033M
Slippery Elm
Fun Fact: The mucilage found in its bark is ideal for soothing the digestive tract and eliminating inflammation.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $3.839B
Cut Cooldown: 15m 10s
Log Count: 10.591K
Log Value: $2.683M
Sapling Cost: $26.488M
South African Wild Pear
Fun Fact: It is popular with beekeepers due to its high nectar production that attracts a multitude of bees and butterflies.
Planting Region: Africa
Farm Cost: $4.415B
Cut Cooldown: 15m 37s
Log Count: 11.121K
Log Value: $3.086M
Sapling Cost: $30.461M
Sugar Maple
Fun Fact: It takes 40-50 gallons of tree sap for the production of one gallon of syrup.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $5.077B
Cut Cooldown: 16m 5s
Log Count: 11.677K
Log Value: $3.549M
Sapling Cost: $35.03M
Fun Fact: It is considered a hardwood species with wood weighing 52 pounds per cubic foot and is used in furniture and plywood.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $5.838B
Cut Cooldown: 16m 34s
Log Count: 12.261K
Log Value: $4.081M
Sapling Cost: $40.285M
Sydney Blue Gum
Fun Fact: Koala’s eat the leaves of this tree.
Planting Region: Asia
Farm Cost: $6.714B
Cut Cooldown: 17m 4s
Log Count: 12.874K
Log Value: $4.693M
Sapling Cost: $46.328M
Tulip Tree
Fun Fact: The Tulip Tree is the tallest of North American hardwoods and can range from 100-150 feet high.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $7.721B
Cut Cooldown: 17m 35s
Log Count: 13.517K
Log Value: $5.397M
Sapling Cost: $53.277M
Ugandan Greenheart
Fun Fact: Early Indian immigrants to Kenya, used the leaves to flavour their curries before the chilli plant was commonly introduced.
Planting Region: Africa
Farm Cost: $8.879B
Cut Cooldown: 18m 6s
Log Count: 14.193K
Log Value: $6.207M
Sapling Cost: $61.269M
Walnut Tree
Fun Fact: Nuts from all species of walnut tree are edible, but those from the Juglans regia are the most commonly sold variety.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $10.211B
Cut Cooldown: 18m 39s
Log Count: 14.903K
Log Value: $7.138M
Sapling Cost: $70.459M
Western Larch
Fun Fact: Native people used to collect sap and inner bark from this tree because it contained a natural sugar gelatin.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $11.743B
Cut Cooldown: 19m 13s
Log Count: 15.648K
Log Value: $8.208M
Sapling Cost: $81.028M
White Ash
Fun Fact: The wood is strong and elastic at the same time, making it perfect for the production of baseball bats, hockey sticks, and tennis rackets.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $13.505B
Cut Cooldown: 19m 47s
Log Count: 16.431K
Log Value: $9.44M
Sapling Cost: $93.182M
White Fir
Fun Fact: The tallest recorded White Fir reached 246 ft tall.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $15.53B
Cut Cooldown: 20m 23s
Log Count: 17.252K
Log Value: $10.856M
Sapling Cost: $107.159M
White Oak
Fun Fact: Oaks can absorb up to 50 gallons of water each day.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $17.86B
Cut Cooldown: 21m
Log Count: 18.115K
Log Value: $12.484M
Sapling Cost: $123.233M
White Spruce
Fun Fact: Tips of spruce needles are used to manufacture spruce tip syrup.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $20.539B
Cut Cooldown: 21m 37s
Log Count: 19.021K
Log Value: $14.357M
Sapling Cost: $141.718M
Yellow Birch
Fun Fact: Its seeds often sprout and grow from the tops of rotten stumps and logs.
Planting Region: North America
Farm Cost: $23.62B
Cut Cooldown: 22m 16s
Log Count: 19.972K
Log Value: $16.51M
Sapling Cost: $162.976M
All of these tree names, regions, and facts are from OneTreePlanted. The Tree Farmer development team came up with the farm cost and log value separately.
Last updated
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